Let Laminators Incorporated handle your architectural services needs. As manufacturers and fabricators of architectural panels, we understand all the nuances of performing take-offs, fabricating for time- and cost-efficiency, and more.

To save you the time and guesswork involved with performing take-offs, Laminators Incorporated can provide you with an itemized list of estimated materials with pricing required for your project based on the architectural plans. Having us provide the take-off ensures a more accurate interpretation of what’s required on the job. Our experienced project estimators have years of design experience, pay close attention to detail, and will provide the most efficient assembly for your aluminum composite wall panel system… all for FREE! There are no fees for our take-off services.
“Working with the team at Laminators Incorporated has been a game-changer for me. They handle the take-offs for my large, complex projects, allowing me to focus on other aspects of my business. It’s a relief to hand off these tasks and trust that they will figure out what needs to happen. I manage the simpler projects myself, but having their support has made all the difference.” Brett Newblatt, A-Porcel, Bronx NY

ACM Shop Drawings
We provide comprehensive technical shop drawings for ACM cladding projects. This includes engineering design criteria that is job specific and is tailored to the individual job conditions. Our team of project managers use the latest software available to create detail-oriented drawings from the information shown in the construction documents. Our shop drawings contain precise and accurate elevations with dimensions, sections and details to explain the installation and fabrication of the panels.
Types of shop drawings we provide

Save on time and labor costs by having Laminators Incorporated fabricate your aluminum composite panels. We’ll cut, rout, and bend our Omega-Lite® panels to the exact specifications needed for the project. Panels can also be partially routed and cut to the final size on the jobsite, as well as routed and shipped flat.
Laminators also offers a variety of fabricated in-fill panels use in glass and glazing applications. For your convenience, we can provide our Thermolite™ insulated panels with metal wrapped edges cut to your specifications for butt-glazing applications, as well as multi-stepped edge panels. They’re the perfect solution for fitting installation-ready panels into your 1″ glass curtain walls and storefront extruded molding systems.
Because the panels are being fabricated by the same company that manufactures and supplies them, we understand the best way to provide superior looking, ready-to-install panels each and every time.

Installer Training
Time is money, so why not let Laminators Incorporated help you achieve maximum efficiency during your installations. Our installer-training specialists have a decade of experience in the manufacturing, fabrication, and installation of Laminators’ aluminum composite panels and can show you various methods and tricks of the trade to provide a high-quality installation on every project. Whether you’re a first-time installer or a long-time veteran, spending time with our installer-training specialists will help you increase efficiency, decrease your installation time, and save you money.